All I've got to say about this is that its a darn good thing the kids and I came home from the office when we did, cause this is what I walked in the door seeing....notice that chili is licking his chops. LOL Normally when Tickles is out of his cage he don't really go any where but to the top of his cage to play on his jungle gym. So it makes me kinda wonder if Chili wasn't saying "oh pretty bird come here I have something I wanna show you, Polly wanna a cracker?" Maybe its time to take the bird to have his wings clipped again huh? When I walked in the door Tickles looked up at me and said "give momma kisses" Which is something I normally say to him every morning and every night before he gets covered up for bed. So anyways I just wanted to share this with everyone I hope you get a kick out of it as much as we did.